
Dream Weaver provides you with a “start up” checklist and helps you navigate the process. Dream Weaver provides the following services and we have a complete network for those items that require a CPA, lawyer or other industry professional, so we make sure your creation is complete.

Entity Creation

Entity creation requires a number of steps which cannot be done out of order or skip any items. This process is varied based on the type of business, trade name, state of creation, etc. Dream Weaver will go over this process, acquire your information and then be able to give you a firm quote for services.

  • Business Name - tradename, trademark, logo

  • Entity - sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, corporation, non-profit

  • Publication

  • Acquire Tax ID - EIN


Business and Tax Licenses

The paperwork required to obtain business and tax licenses will depend on the industry and municipalities you operate within. Dream Weaver will determine and navigate this process after entity creation and again be able to give an accurate quote and timeline.

  • Business License - per municipality

  • Tax License

  • Industry specific licensing

  • Online Tax Payment Setup

Bookkeeping Services

Dream Weaver can provide bookkeeping services ranging from managing your cash book and reconciliation, all the way to full charge bookkeeping. A review of what you will require will allow for a timeframe and monthly fee quotation.


Mobile Notary Services

Dream Weaver is a full service mobile notary. Fees are calculated upon location determination.


Consulting Services

Dream Weaver provides consultation in all areas of the “start up” business process. We can provide hourly rates for general consultation and have a large network of professionals to refer for the areas that require specific industry professionals.

Dream Weaver has a network for obtaining funding for both startup and business Growth. Reach out for a free consultation to discover if we can be of service.

Bring us your dreams.

We fill in the blanks.